You sexy thing!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by The Enigma, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. The Enigma

    The Enigma Guest

    Anyone else have the occasion blues because they do look remotely like this?


    I'm sure you have or do. Especially if you're someone who's not perfectly slim or you have a few vanity pounds. Well, I was curious, what do YOU do to make yourself feel sexy? Basking in the ambiance of perpetual self doubt and torment will not do anything positive for you so stop it. I am actually quite amazed by how many people there are out there who wallow about how they look when they look amazing. Do people not realize what they've been gifted with? Or perhaps, because of the media or peerage they're not given the chance to recognize it?

    I have to admit though, I do find some bigger sized people to be charming and devilishly sexy if they know how to work it. And I think a lot of black women have the correct attitude about it. I think people are sexy for a couple reasons:

    1) The attitude. That is something definitely attracts me to people right off the bat. If they possess certain charm or charisma I am instantaneously drawn to them.


    2) The smile. Nothing screams "Hallelujah lord, bend me over" like an impression leaving smile.


    3) Boldness. Someone wants to try something and they go for the direct approach. Many men, or at least the ones I come across have this trait as straight men. Sad to say it seems to be lacking around me in gay people.


    4) Feeling sexy. You could be wearing glasses, contact lens, a diaper, hip hugging jeans, but to truly feel sexy and portray that--that is hot. Just feeling, have that aura that says "I feel alive and sexy" rather than desperately attempting to be is incomparably and ultimately drop dead gorgeous and very rare.


    So, if you're plagued by thoughts like...
    "Why am I never hot?"
    "Why am I not sexy?"
    "Why don't I look like him/her?"

    Perhaps you should look twice in the mirror. Look past that fleshy composure and delve deep within your soul. Sexiness isn't hereditary, it blossoms through our feelings. The most beautiful man on this Earth may be attractive but if he doesn't feel so then he will never FEEL sexy. Shallow and empty, you will never attain happiness without some measure of feeling attractive--especially in your earlier years.

    So, tell me: What makes YOU feel sexy? Helps you keep a positive spin on how you feel and act? What adds that pep in your step? What really makes you FEEL sexy?

    I think coming to terms with your body is one of the first steps to accepting yourself as a whole. It's at least, a very healthy thing.

    There are days I too thought, "God I am so fucking ugly." Everyone gets them.
    In the world of homosexuality, from a males perspective, sexiness is an allusive thing like a may butterfly. It is near impossible to attain without a perfect body and a six pack. It is a fabrication created by Calvin Klein underwear and models.

    But, what do women think? I've always wondered.

    Okay, i'll stop there. :slight_smile:
  2. EM68

    Full Member

    Jun 19, 2008
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    Stoughton, Massachusetts USA
    I personally like the way I look. Even though I am 40. I am in the best shape of my life. Up to about 5 years ago I was not happy with my body. I was skinny as anything. I started to work out mainly as a stress release (work and this was when I really started my struggle with my sexuality). I go to the gym about 4 times a week. Now I am pretty well toned. Most people don't think I'm 40. They think I am in my early to mid 30's. I don't have a 6 pack or even a 3 pack but I am getting there. lol.
  3. The Enigma

    The Enigma Guest

    I am trying to improve my body but I still feel sexy. I went as far as to take pictures today and I even smiled--a rare occurance. Thinking this topic up made me really happy for some reason. And I even put on my Ambercrombie Fierce cologne...My mother thinks I've lost it or am going on a date. XD I just feel like being sexy today is all. Why? Because I genuinely feel it.
  4. ricoca

    Full Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Los Angeles, CA
    That's really nice of you to put together something like this.
    To be honest, I've never been comfortable in my own skin cause I'm always fat and ugly. BUt I think it's my own fault for letting the weight problems get into such a scale...

    Anyway, nice work :grin:
  5. The Enigma

    The Enigma Guest

    Well, you can think of it this way. You may percieve yourself as fat and ugly but there is ALWAYS someone who will pass you by and go: "Omigawd, that boy is so cute and hunky." On occasion I get those people...their woman.

    *bangs head on desk
  6. Greggers

    Full Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    BC, Canada
    Wow, yea, this was really cool :slight_smile:

    I personally find nothing more sexy than a guy who has that genuine smile that pierces your soul , the kind he has because he really likes you. Sure, a nice body is eyecandy, but if i was ever to have a relationship with someone i would want some soulcandy to back that up. Humor, wit, compassion, loyalty, all the things that make a person genuine and human.

    There is nothing LESS sexy in my opinion, than self-pity. No one likes someone who does not like themselves. Someone who is comfortable in there body is what anyone truly wants. For example, i know i suck at dancing, but i dance anyways. People can obviously see im no Beyonce or anything, but the fact im not ashamed and i do it anyways really hits people strongly.
  7. The Enigma

    The Enigma Guest

    Glad people appreciate it so much.
  8. The Enigma

    The Enigma Guest

    You look fine. And you're wearing an Adidas beany. What's not to like? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I already told you how I felt, so don't worry. And you live in LA, so there's not too much hate going on...and there's HUNDREDS of others you can find and bond with. Unlike here....which is like LA but they're a bit more...uh...They remind me of the crusaders. Lol

    You don't look fat. You're definitely not ugly.

    If you don't like your weight hop on a treadmill, or grab some weights and get beefy. :slight_smile:
    The first steps the hardest.

    Anyone remember when Tyra Banks had a Panty Party? Maybe there should be one for guys. Watching her always makes me feel good about myself unlike Oprah.
  9. Honestly, I never let aesthetics get me down. It's just not something that bothers me. Although I hate looking at my face in mirrors.
    Something that makes me feel sexy... When I'm home alone, sometimes I like to dance around a bit, pirouette, and such. Feeling graceful makes me feel sexy. A nicely fitting pair of jeans helps too.
  10. sdc91

    Full Member

    Nov 17, 2007
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    The Castro, San Francisco, California
    Hm, well I just replay the story of the ugly duckling in my head if I'm down about my looks. I wasn't much of a looker a few years ago, but I think it's been getting better since then. So when I'm 25, I should be decently hot, right? Just keep working out. lol

    When I look at someone hot (like in the first photo), I usually feel depressed not because I don't look like him, but rather that I don't think I would ever be able to get a boyfriend that looks like him. And I want a hot boyfriend.
  11. The Enigma

    The Enigma Guest

    Lol I want a hot boyfriend and any of them in the pictures would due save for the chick. But, I am just not ready for committment at the moment. >_<) Most models probably have egos bigger than their--brace yourself--PENIS. Lol
  12. Bryan

    Full Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    South Florida
    Um... I am not the best looking, but I do dress nice and it makes me feel good. Also I like to play with my hair and do different things that make it look good.

    Oh, and sometimes be flirtatious, you might get hit on!
  13. The Enigma

    The Enigma Guest

    Lol I wish I could do something with my hair. I tried cornrows but they were super homo. Then I tried an affro and I was too ghetto-licious. So, I just leave it short. I could flatten it and be like a gangsta...but im not. Lol Not going to try being someone Im not. I wish I had managable hair.
    I dont openly flirt but I love dressing nice too. :wink:
  14. lodiug

    Full Member

    Oct 13, 2007
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    Well I love my face... I love to look in the mirror makinf funny faces, but mostly I like to wink alot! But my body on the other......
    I find myself to skinny.... I want to have a body like the first picture in this thread!
  15. Emberstone

    Full Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    two things I would change about my physical apperence... I am quite skinny, and so I would work on my arms, because I am quite tall, and my ribcage is shapped differently. secondly, I could have abs, but I am just too lazy.

    however I feel it is unhealthy to work on your physical apperence *unless its life threatening such as you are obese or too thin* until you are confident emotionally. Working on your physical exterior in the long run doesnt solve much if inside you lack confidence in yourself.

    Right now I am finally gaining a upper edge on my confidence and self esteem issues, as I am starting to seem to succede in school, and I have a part time job which fits into my schedule. plus, it helps that I am finally out to some of my immediate family, and I dont have to hold that in as much as I used to.

    When I can feel like I truly have my life under a symbolence of control, then I will worry about going back to the gym.
  16. partietraumatic

    Full Member

    Jul 21, 2008
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    Oxford and Birmingham, UK
    i have reallly bad issues with my self confidence, i dont feel atall attractive. and i never get eyed up by anyone like ever :frowning2:
  17. Emberstone

    Full Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    I have started to develop my own look that I am comfortable with. I decided about a year and a half ago to grow my hair out *I was born with a receding hairline, and incredibly thickly packed hair folicles.* and so I now am growing it out to my shoulder so that I can part it in a way that covers my widows peaks. I personally feel I look better that way, and the long hair frames my long face.

    I am starting to feel like I have attractive qualities physically, but I am still focused mainly on my confidence, which mostly is not about my physical apperance, but emotional.

    Honestly, when I finished the first draft of a book I had been working on for then, about three years, I got a major boost in confidence, and I honestly view that as a turning point in my life. no one can take that accomplishment away from me *and a few failed writers have tried*
  18. someguy82

    Full Member

    Jan 28, 2009
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    I'm comfortable with my physical appearance, but I acknowledge that I'm not particularly attractive.
  19. Fiorino

    Full Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    I definetely think that sexy people aren't sexy without self-confidence.
    That being said, people who aren't "attractive" in our societies' view
    are still VERY CAPABLE of being sexy, they just need charisma, charm
    and feeling good in their own skin.
    I'm not trying to be cocky at all, and I still definetely have self-confidence
    issues, but body-wise, I've learned to feel good in my own skin
    (and trust me, it takes TIME). Sure, I don't have a six pack but I don't care,
    I LOVE my body the way it is, with all it's faults aswell (as it's good parts),
    it's those so-called imperfections that make me human and in my view that's true perfection. Thank you Enigma, for writing this post I think we all need to
    reconsider how self-critical we are of our own body image.
    People-you are beautiful! Love yourselves, and love your body!
  20. tallship

    Full Member

    Jan 15, 2009
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    partietraumatic , Ha I bet you do , just no one has walked up and told you yet , and as the other posters have said try a smile it works as your pics show:thumbsup: